Archangel Metatron – Symbolic Fantastic Surreal Oil Painting
Original Oil Painting on Canvas
by artist Darko Topalski
Name: Archangel Metatron
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Size: ±32x24in (80X60cm)
Year: 2019
Signed: Yes
Topalski sometimes have a dreams with paintings or they appear in a meditation or that tiny relaxed state between dream and awaken state … This is one of those paintings with some variations.
In the painting process he added wings and some more details such as that nice little fox that has occupied his mind. In some moment ha realized that he paints Archangel Metatron with a feather in his right hand and golden cosmic egg of creation in his left hand. When he receives idea for some painting it is honor and some kind of a commission from other dimensions, it is like a channeling paintings for someone like you or he has painted it maybe just for you.