The Game of Life – Symbolic Fantastic Surreal Oil Painting
Original Oil Painting on Canvas
by artist Darko Topalski
Name: The Game of Life
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Size: ±47x32in (120X80cm)
Year: 2019
Signed: Yes
I had the idea for the painting, but after many layers and many years of painting, it has evolved and become this painting. It is deeply symbolic, it’s not just masonic, although pillars Boas and Yachin, arch and tiles have just that. When the idea of Hopscotch game emerged, I’ve realized that it has almost identical structure of Qabalistic “Tree of life”, so I’ve added that with sephirots and paths. For the girl that plays the game I’ve took Dorothy (from the “Wizard of Oz”). While playing She’s leaving her childhood and Piglet behind… You are free to add the rest of the story 🙂