Dragoljub “Draža” Mihailovic – Oil Painting
Oil Painting on Canvas
by artist Darko Topalski
Name: Dragoljub “Draža” Mihailovic
Medium: Oil
Support: HDF Canvas Board
Size: 30X40cm
(inch): 12″X16″
Year: 2011
Signed: Yes
Available: NO
… another version of his portrait, painted in oils is available here…
(Colors: burnt umber, red ocher, burnt sienna, ultramarine, titanium white)
Dragoljub “Draža” Mihailovic
(April 27, 1893 – July 17, 1946)
Was a Yugoslav Serbian general. He led the Chetnik movement which, though founded as a resistance force itself.
The Chetnik organization, officially named the “Yugoslav Army in the Fatherland” (JVUO), was founded as a royalist/nationalist Serbian resistance movement during WWII.
At april 13. 2011. local daily newspapers “Kurir” has published this portrait of Draža Mihailovic… (here)
Ova slika našla je svoje odredište u Kosovskoj Mitrovici…
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